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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2016/9/28 9:23:12  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

Shipment times have several factors that we include in our estimated time of delivery. These factors include but are not limited to customs inspection, weather, transport truck and employment delays. These factors will affect the overall transport time. The following are the estimated length of time it will take for shipments to take. FCL is currently only available to the US.

US West LCL: 25-30 working days
US East LCL: 35-40 working days
US West FCL: 18 working days
US East FCL: 28-30 working days
Europe FBA: 30 working days delivery time depends on the Amazon last appointment time
Japan FBA: 8-10 working days delivery time depends on the Amazon last appointment time
Canada FBA: 20-30 working days delivery time depends on the Amazon last appointment time借助中国工艺品进出口总公司在国内外建立的分支机构,我公司与近百家公司建立了广泛的、多方式联运业务,在全球形成了较为完善的信息网络。在国内,深圳/宁波/上海/南京/厦门拥有自己的分公司;国际方面,在乌克兰/摩尔多瓦/罗马尼亚/土耳其,英国/德国/波兰/芬兰/俄罗斯,意大利/法国/西班牙,以色列/埃及/尼日利亚/摩洛哥,伊朗/阿联酋/沙特阿拉伯,巴西/智利/阿根廷等国建立了完善的代理网络!

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