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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2016/7/24 9:48:23  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

 is a firm believer in technology as a tool to enhance the physical services provided by our global network of offices. As the modern supply chain relies more and more on timely and reliable information, JAS continues to invest in our global back office applications to provide a consistent and accurate source of shipment and logistics information made available to our client base through our ORBIS application.
JAS ORBIS is a user-friendly tracking application that provides customers with shipment documentation, door-to-door visibility, and data-extraction capabilities. This Web-based system helps clients manage as much or as little of their supply chains as they choose -- from initial order receipts to final delivery of goods.
ORBIS manages, monitors and reports on all logistics information through interactive real-time inquiries and reports. By integrating our applications with carrier portals, ORBIS is consistently fed with information to supplement the internal process of the JAS Network, which ensures clients receive accurate pictures of the status of their freight -- at all times.国际海运
· 整柜/拼箱/冷冻柜/滚装船/散货船/大型机器设备 海运出口运输业务
· 代理国际海运进(出)口报关报检业务以及熏蒸业务
· 代理各类出口货物文书:产地证,普惠证,第三国产地证,BIC加蓬共和国货物追踪号等等
· 集装箱拖车运输业务以及货物仓储包装业务
· 承运船公司:
   近洋:正利  万海  烟海  高丽海运  川崎汽轮 阳明  东方海外  现代  太平船务            台   塑  泰国宏海
   远洋:中海  中远  长荣  马士基   达飞轮船  地中海航运 三井商船   尼罗河航运            邦拿美  日本邮轮  南美邮轮 美国总统
   特种柜运输:中海  长荣  三井商船
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