报关行。 2.我公司与WANHAI、APL、EMC、CMA、OOCL、COSCO、MSC的订舱代理,与众多船公司保持着良好的业务关系,享有运价协议,运价特忧。在卓宇国际,您可以找到意想不到的运价,而且还可以享受到优质的服务,给我们一个机会,我们会让您无法忘记,我们期待您的来电垂寻惠顾!为贵司服务是我们的荣幸! 3.公司代理的航线覆盖东南亚、中东、地中海、欧洲、美东美西、中南美、非洲、澳洲及日韩等航线,并在各航线都极具竞争优势。贵重物品托运规定:
1. 必须有托运人开具的证明,保证交运货物内没有夹带危险品和违禁品。经承运人认可后可不用在开箱检查予以承运 2. 托运成批的货币、证券、黄金、珍贵文物以及包机运输的贵重物品,必须由托运人派人押运。 3. 一件包装内如果混装贵重物品和一般货物时,则整件货物的运费及操作均按贵重贵重物 处理。 4. 贵重物品一律不办理空陆转运品处理。 is an integration logistics company, specialized in international express, air-transport, and transportation. We are the agent of Air France, Lufthansa, Japan Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, Asiana Airlines, Emirates, Ethiopian Airlines, Air Mauritius, Thai Airways International, South African, the European aviation and many other HK airline companies. We are also the agent of DHL, UPS, FEDEX, TNT, EMS and other professional service in the worldwide, supply the air-transport of SKY of Middle East and Africa, and entire door-to door service for importing and exporting to Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland. |