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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2016/3/28 9:14:52  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin


。从报价、订舱、接载、报关、制单、提供二程信息、货物追踪、签发空运 与海运提单、及进口清关、提货、陆路运输均



by many Shipping Company, Airlines and agents, X&S was engaged in Container freight forwarder, shipping agent, aviation agent, customer declaration, inspection declaration and all sorts of modern logistics services among the world. X&S provides its client with personalized services in the fields of International trade, truckload, cold chain and valued-added areas. X&S will do its best to bring its clients with an excellent, professional and unique logistics solution, guarantees that clients’ cargos will be arrived in their destination safe and on time.

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