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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2016/1/4 10:03:57  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

    我司是多家航空公司的一级代理及核心客户,拥有优越的空运价格。并且有经验丰富的业务人员为客户提供价格合理,运输便捷的航线。并在货物的运输过程中有专人全程跟踪,及时信息反馈,24小时竭诚服务,并在欧洲和美国的大型物流企业签署有互为代理的合作协议,国际进出口货物空运是我司最具有核心竞争力的项目。owned Logistics Company based in Hong Kong , covering worldwide network. It is founded in 1997 and is a fully licensed and insured freight forwarder, being International Air Transport Association (IATA) and having obtained forwarding experience more than 30 years in this field, so that the most competitive rates, spaces and good services can be provided to ALL clients.

In order to keep growing continuously , "SHARP" will set up more branch offices in P.R.China in the nearest future until covering all major cities in P.R.China.

OUR GOAL IS TO HELP YOU TO GAIN MORE BUSINESS for both of us by providing the personal Customer Service with high efficiency on communication and offering the most attractive cost rate to you.

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