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headfooice  PANAMA CITY
作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2012/11/9 9:05:16  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin


国际货运报关报验: 可代理客户进出口货物报关,终端预录服务,并可为客户提供换单,商检等系列服务,报关员有海关工作经历,熟悉海关法规,政策,业务程序,良好的素质和业务技能赢得了广大客户的信任。
transport,railway transport,highway transport,air transport and through transport or bothimport and export goods as well as the relavant business routine such as declaring at customs, applying for inspection insurance,storage ,inland transport londing and distributionof containers,shanghai aeolus int‘l transportation co.,ltd. overall scheme solving problems arisingfrom logistics.

    .headfooice is located in shanghai but there are our offices or agent networt in 13 cities in china such asdalian, tianjin,qingdao,ningbo,guangzhou and shenzhen and in more than 120 countries or regions all over the world.

     . for many years and we have our own oualified personnel eouipped with professional systrematic computers which enable us to handle complicated business in logistics.

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